Wednesday, October 8, 2008



  Have you ever been online search for particle information without getting what you want? Or may be you are doing your project and you need a lot of resources to complete your tasking project and the information you are getting is not really what you want or does not have the desire quality that you are seeking for? After spending a lot of man hours in front of your computer with little success could be really annoying and frustrating. But worry no more am going to give you some lovely tips on how to search the World Wide Web with relative easy.

1. Be specific. 
 When I say be specific I mean you should typed in your words as you really have them in your head because when you type in a question you are not sure about you are going to get lot of stuff that are not relevant to your particular question that you have in your mind.
 The likes of,, etc are all called Search engine and they all contains a lot of web pages, which are stored in there database server, so any time you type a particle word it search for words that are similar to the words you typed or relative closed to the words you type in to the search box, so in other for you not to get lost you have to be specific, type in the exact words, short and precise.

2 Colon:
  Simply by placing colon around the search term you can really narrow down your search. There is one thing though; this tip is only useful if you are using more than one word to search. What the colon does only show results from the search engines that have the words you typed in, exactly in the way you typed them in. especially when you are being very specific with your search. 
  The colon helps in streamlining you search to the very words you type into the search engine, for instance you are looking for HOW TO FALL IN LOVE as your search term without the colon you will notice in the results that those words type are scattered all throughout the listing. You can tell easily because your words are bolded. Now if you put in the colon (:) in front of your search word the only results that you would get back are only ones that have those words right next to each other as you typed them in. So when next you search for information please used the colon

3. Quotation mark " "
  After typing your search word in the search box, put the quotation mark at both ends of the word the results the search engine will return are the ones that have your search term in the title of the page. The title is the blue bar at the top of your browser. It is so useful because anyone who makes website always puts the topic of their site in the title of their web page. For instance "HOW TO FAR IN LOVE" the result will come as exactly as you typed it.

4.Search with more than One Search Engine.
 A lot of people center their search only using Google and when they do not get or find what they are looking for they give up their search. Forgeting that they are other very good search engine. All search engines have different index that comes out with different results. So sometimes if you do not get what you are looking for in Google go ahead and try or, or any other search engine.You we be more than glad that you did.

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My Name is Richmond Uche.A lover of Sport,an infopreneur,an engineer,a webdesigner and the lover of the spread of knowledge.